"Though small and introspective, this well done series leaves a colossal impression as it explores the significant emotional cost of human space exploration." 

Rod T. Faulkner, The 7th Matrix

"As a Mars One Candidate, I found @WorldAwaySeries absolutely fascinating. Not how I'd spend my last days on Earth, but an interesting take."

– Ryan MacDonald, MarsOne Candidate

"Although running only five to six minutes an episode, they manage to pack an emotional punch in every scene, slowly building to a final shot that may leave some viewers with tears in their eyes."

William Brownridge, Toronto Film Scene

"Within the first few minutes of the video, it’s abundantly clear these creators know what they’re doing with cameras, story, and editing."

Bree Brouwer, tubefilter

"Although each episode is only 5-6 minutes long, the quality of the writing and production make up for its brevity."  

Elliot Feldman, WGA Hotlist

"World Away is a very intriguing web series... It’s definitely worth a look!"

 Julia Tan Kozlowski, Film Army